Glory Makileyi of Mitula Primary School
My name is Glory Makileyi, I am 8 years old and I am in standard three. I had no chance to attend the vision/Permaculture workshop, but after being briefed about the project by our teachers and our friends who attended the vision workshop in September, I was so happy that this development is coming to our school. I usually come to school without having my breakfast; I am so glad that soon I will be eating at school. We previously had the school feeding program that was introduced but it was not vibrant as expected since we were not eating every day. With this new meal program which is about to be introduced again I hope that we will be eating every day, and this will motivate us as pupils and again the school attendance will definitely increase.
I am glad that we also have fruit trees in which we will benefit so much as learners at this school. I for one have noticed a very big change since this Permaculture project came in at this school, as I have seen the coming of solar electricity power, the construction of eco-sanitation (composting toilets and urinals) and water harvesting where a big tank has been installed to store water. Water is a critical issue at this school especially to us as pupils we were walking very far distance to fetch water from a communal borehole just for school domestic chores. I am looking forward to learning more and to seeing more positive impacts to our school.