Thithetse Umphawi and Milindi – Agricultural Cooperatives in Lilongwe, Malawi

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Thithetse Umphawi (89 member households)  and Milindi Cooperatives (104 member households)  are collectives of farmers in rural Lilongwe, Malawi. Since 2018, we have helped these two cooperatives organise into formal cooperatives and expand their operations so as to improve the livelihoods of members. These cooperatives grow a range of crops such as maize, soya, groundnuts (peanuts) and beans.A key benefit of being a member of these cooperatives is that it enables members to bargain collectively and command better prices from wholesalers. The cooperative also allows for democratic participation (one member, one vote),  collective investment in infrastructure e.g. agro-processing equipment, and profit-sharing.


A training session on managing a cooperative sponsored by Empower Projects.


Having gradually grown, these two cooperatives are in need of AUD 1,500 each in order to expand their operations in 2022. They plan to use these funds, offered as an interest-free loan, to purchase seeds and equipment to expand their operations and attract additional members.

We’d deeply appreciate your help in supporting these three cooperatives to go from strength to strength.

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